FAQs for Web App Partners

  • What benefits can businesses gain by using Keepgo's eSIM B2B platform?

    By utilizing Keepgo's eSIM B2B platform, businesses can leverage eSIM technology and provide their customers with branded eSIM services. They can benefit from flexible pricing options, easy implementation of eSIM services, and dedicated support from Keepgo.
  • What types of bundles does the eSIM B2B platform offer?

    The eSIM B2B platform offers various bundles, including single-country, regional, and global eSIMs - both for lifetime and short-term use. These bundles can be customized according to the business's requirements.
  • What are the two main types of plans available with the eSIM B2B platform?

    The eSIM B2B platform offers two main types of plans: Lifetime plan. The lines on the Lifetime plan offer data that is valid forever when refilled at least once a year. Travel plan. The lines on the Travel plan feature different data bundles valid for different periods.
  • What additional features does Keepgo's eSIM B2B platform provide for businesses?

    Keepgo's eSIM B2B platform provides a managed eSIM solution, which easily integrates into your business operations. It includes everything you need to start selling eSIM, like a ready-to-go front-end eSIM store,  ready-to-go customer accounts platform, an extensive range of eSIM profiles, multipl...
  • Who is an end user?

    An end user is a person (partner’s client) who utilizes the telecommunication service.
  • How does Stripe integration work?

    Integration with Stripe allows partners to receive payments from their end users. Partners can connect their Stripe accounts or subaccounts by entering their API keys on the Stripe side. If a partner does not have an existing Stripe account, they can create one during integration. The Stripe acco...
  • How to find Connected Stripe Account Details?

    The integration page provides the functionality for the partner to view details of the connected Stripe subaccount, such as the email address.
  • How does the crypto processor integration work?

    Integration with the Crypto Processor (0Xprocessing) allows partners to connect their accounts, authenticate their identity, retrieve necessary information, receive payments in crypto from their end users, and manage their 0Xprocessing account details.
  • How to create a 0Xprocessing account?

    If partners don't have an existing 0Xprocessing account, they need to create one before proceeding with the integration. They can sign up for an account on the 0Xprocessing platform by following the registration process provided.
  • How to connect to 0Xprocessing?

    Log in to your account on the Partners platform. Navigate to the Integration page. Locate the appropriate settings for integration configuration. Copy the URL webhook address and webhook password on the Integration page on the Partners platform and enter into the designated fields on Merchant → G...
  • How to manage 0Xprocessing account details?

    Partners can view their Merchant ID on the Integration page on the Partners platform.
  • How to disconnect from 0Xprocessing?

    If partners wish to disconnect their system from the 0Xprocessing account, they can do so at any time by following these steps: Log in to the account on the Partners platform. Navigate to the Integration page. Locate the option to disconnect the integration. The Merchant ID will be deleted and i...
  • How do partners buy bundles?

    On the Search page of the Partner Account and the detailed product page, the Partner can buy bundles for each bundle family. The price of the bundles depends on the bundle family, amount of data, and amount of days. After purchasing the bundles on the success-payment page, the Partner can click ...
  • What is Inventory?

    The Inventory feature allows partners to buy bundles in advance and manage their inventory of purchased but unassigned bundles. The feature includes various functionalities such as searching for bundles, filtering options, inventory visibility settings, editing bundle details, and purchasing bund...
  • What information is displayed in the Inventory Item table?

    The Inventory Item table lists all the bundles within the bundle family and provides the following information: Type of bundle Data & Validity Retail bundle name (visible to end-users) Original price (Keepgo's price) Retail price (original price plus markup rate or any other manually entered...
  • How can the partner search and filter items in the Inventory table?

    The partner can search for items in the Inventory table using the original and retail names of the bundles, the plan or bundle ID. The Inventory table can also be filtered by bundle name, plan, and visibility.
  • How are bundles displayed in the partner's Inventory?

    After purchase, the bundles become visible in the partner's Inventory. The partner can purchase bundles in advance. There are three types of bundles available in the Inventory: Activation code only Activation code with data Refill
  • What aspects of the bundle family can be edited on the Inventory Item page?

    On the Inventory Item page, the partner can make changes to the following aspects of the bundle family: Retail name of the bundle family Description of the bundle family Markup rate for the entire bundle family (percentage increase from the original price) Visibility of the bundle family for end...
  • What information is provided on the Inventory Item page for each bundle family?

    The Inventory Item page displays detailed information about the bundle family, including: Original bundle family name Plan Coverage and network (pop-up with a list of covered countries) Privacy IP location Region Data Roaming Speed (pop-up with information about speed dependence) Installation li...
  • Can the Inventory table be exported?

    Yes, the partner can export the Inventory table as a CSV file. If the file is too big, the partner will receive it by email. This allows them to save and analyze the inventory data externally. The partner can export the whole Inventory or just separate bundles by choosing them with checkboxes. ...
  • What happens when the partner makes changes on the Inventory Item page?

    Whenever the partner modifies information on the Inventory Item page, they will be prompted to confirm the changes with a pop-up message labeled "Confirmation of changes." This ensures that the changes made will be visible to their end-users.
  • How do I import bundle information into Inventory?

    Partners can efficiently update prices, names, descriptions, and visibility in the Inventory without the need for manually editing each bundle. This process allows for quickly updating many bundles in one file and uploading it into Inventory. Here are the steps: Partners need to download the te...
  • What are the limitations on coupon code validity?

    Coupon codes can be set with a start and end date and are only valid during that time frame. The validity start date cannot be set before today's date, and the end date cannot be set before the start date. The validity start date can be set in the future. If no end date is entered, the coupon rem...
  • Can partners track coupon usage?

    Yes, partners can access the number of times each coupon has been used.
  • Who can access the Coupons feature?

    The Coupons feature is currently available only for partners using the Professional and Enterprise editions. However, partners with restricted functionality can see it as well.
  • Can coupons be edited?

    Yes, after creation, coupons can be edited. Partners also have the option to duplicate a coupon, which includes all criteria except for the newly generated coupon code.
  • Can coupons be deactivated or deleted?

    Yes, partners can temporarily deactivate or permanently delete a coupon from the platform.
  • Can partners restrict coupon usage to specific users?

    Yes, partners can choose to make coupons available to all partner users or restrict them to specific users. In the case of specific users, the partner needs to enter the email addresses of their users. This feature is applicable only for White Label Partners on Professional and Enterprise edition...
  • How are coupon codes generated? Can partners change them?

    Each coupon has a unique code automatically generated by the system. However, partners can change the coupon code if desired. Please note that if the chosen code name is already in use, the partner cannot create the coupon.
  • How can the refill coupon be used by the partner's end user?

    The refill coupon can be used in two ways: On the checkout page: The end user enters the refill coupon code on the checkout page. Upon successful entry, a success message is displayed to the user. Using the "Redeem Free data" button on the "More details" page for the line: The end user clicks th...
  • How to connect to Stripe?

    Log in to account on the Partners platform. Navigate to the Integration page. On the integration page, partner selects the option to connect to the Stripe account. The partner can choose to create a subaccount with Keepgo or log in with an existing Stripe account. The partner fills out the form w...
  • Are there any limitations on coupon usage?

    Partners can limit the number of times end users can use a discount, or restrict the usage to one use per customer.
  • How can the discount coupon be used by the partner's end user?

    The discount coupon can only be used on the checkout page. The end user enters the coupon code during the checkout process. Before completing the purchase, the discounted price of the bundle is displayed to the user.
  • Is there a way to search and export coupons?

    Coupons can be searched by coupon code, value, and bundles. They can also be filtered by coupon code, status, "Applies to" (bundle type), and value.
  • What are the different statuses of a coupon?

    There are four statuses for coupons: Active: The coupon is currently valid and can be used by users. Expired: The coupon has reached its expiration date and can no longer be used by users. Deactivated: The coupon has been manually deactivated and can no longer be used by users. Scheduled: The co...
  • Can coupon codes be combined with other bundle coupons?

    No, coupon codes cannot be combined with other bundle coupons.
  • How does the partner provide the coupon code to their end user?

    The partner has the flexibility to choose how they provide the coupon code to their end users. They can decide on the method or channel through which they distribute the coupon code to their users.
  • How to disconnect from Stripe?

    A Partner can disconnect from their Stripe subaccount at any time by selecting the appropriate option on the integration page. Log in to account on the Partners platform. Navigate to the Integration page. Locate the option to disconnect the integration. The email address will be deleted and inte...
  • Which bundles can coupons be applied to?

    Coupons can be applied to various bundle families, including all bundle families, all Lifetime Plan bundle families, all Travel Plan bundle families, specific bundle families, or specific lines. If a partner only sells one type of bundle plan, the other plans will be hidden. If the partner has ch...
  • Can the partner modify retail information for bundle families and individual bundles?

    Partners can modify the retail information for a bundle family and individual bundles within the family on the Inventory Item page. Changes can be made to the retail name, description, markup rate, and visibility of the entire bundle family.
  • How can partners specify the lines to which a coupon can be applied?

    Partners can choose specific line(s) to which a coupon can be applied. For this purpose, the partner should enter the full ICCID number for each line. Multiple lines ICCID can be specified as well, divided by , ; signs.
  • What benefits can coupons offer?

    Coupons can add specific value to the purchase in the form of either a refill bundle or a discount. The refill coupon, when applied to all bundles or chosen bundles from both plans, the refill coupon requires the partner to separately choose the amount of data (for Lifetime Plan bundles) or the a...
  • What happens when the partner's end user uses a discount coupon?

    When the partner's end user applies a discount coupon, the partner has two options: Using specific refills from their Inventory: The partner can use the specific refill associated with the discount coupon from their Inventory to provide the discount to the user. Purchasing the specific refill bu...
  • How can the partner buy more bundles of a specific bundle family?

    To purchase additional bundles of a specific bundle family, the partner can click the "Buy more" button associated with that bundle family in the Inventory.
  • What occurs when the partner's end user uses a refill coupon?

    When the partner's end user applies a refill coupon, the partner has two choices: Using specific refills from their Inventory: The partner can utilize the specific refill associated with the refill coupon from their Inventory to provide the free refill to the user. Purchasing the specific refill...
  • What is the markup rate and how is it applied?

    The markup rate is a percentage that increases the original price of the bundle for end-users. The markup rate is set to 30% of the original price by default. The partner can adjust this rate to determine the retail price of the bundle.
  • Can manual changes be reset to individual bundles within the family?

    Yes, there is an option to reset all manual changes made on individual bundles within the family back to their default settings.
  • Can the retail price and visibility be manually changed for certain bundles?

    Yes, the partner can manually adjust the retail price and visibility for bundles with the "Activation code with data" type. The prices and visibility for such bundles are also applied to refill bundles with the same amount of data & validity. If a bundle used for auto-refill or as a refill fo...
  • How does the retail visibility setting affect end users?

    The retail visibility setting allows the partner to hide specific bundles from their end users. The visibility status determines whether the bundle is visible or hidden for end-users in various sections, including the short eSIM Bundle block on the search page, the detailed eSIM Bundle page under...
  • Can partners access detailed information about a specific bundle within the family?

    All detailed information about the bundle family is included on the Inventory item page.
  • How can partners delete end users’ accounts?

    Partners can manually delete an end user's account. Before deleting an account, the partner receives a confirmation pop-up to ensure they want to delete it. If the partner chooses to delete the end user's account manually, all lines associated with that account will be permanently deleted. To de...