How to integrate the Keepgo WordPress theme with your website?

Table of contents:

  1. Basic requirements for the integration
  2. Step-by-Step Guidelines for the Integration
  3. Plugin Installation
  4. WordPress Theme Customization
    1. Main Theme Settings
    2. Why Us Section Settings
    3. FAQ Settings
    4. Keepgo EWL settings
    5. Social Networks
    6. Menus
    7. Additional CSS

  5. Plugin Customization

Basic requirements for the integration

  • EWL edition -  Professional and Enterprise
  • eSIM white label web platform
  • Partners must have a WordPress account and website (blank or working).

Step-by-Step Guidelines for the Integration

  • Log in to your WordPress website’s dashboard.
  • Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  • On the Themes page, select "Add New.image10.jpg
  • Choose to upload the Keepgo eSIM theme .zip file (that you downloaded from Partner Account > Integrations).  Once uploaded, click “Install Now.” The theme will install on your website.
  • Active the theme upon installation.
  • Next, you can edit the theme by clicking Appearance > Themes > Customize (on the Keepgo eSIM theme).


In the theme customization settings, you can edit your website's logo, adjust fonts and colors to match your brand, and provide email addresses and links to your social media platforms by adjusting the header and footer menus. Please do not forget to click the “Publish” button whenever you apply changes to the theme.

Plugin Installation

To make your WordPress website display a list of eSIM bundles from your inventory, you need to connect your website to the EWL domain. To do this, click Appearance > Themes > Keepgo eSIM theme> Customize > EWL domain name. Enter the URL address of your Partner Account in the EWL Domain field.

Mind that to add the eSIM bundles search field section to your website, you need to install the Keepgo search bundles plugin.

To install the plugin, open your WordPress website’s dashboard and click Plugins > Add New > Upload and upload the .zip file of the Keepgo search bundles (the plugin is available for download in Partner Account > Integrations). Next, click Install, and the plugin will automatically install on your website. Active the plugin upon installation by navigating to Plugins > Installed Plugins and finding the Keepgo search bundles plugin on the list.


After the plugin’s installation and activation, click Settings > Keepgo search and enter the API domain (the URL address of your Partner Account). Click Save Changes, and the eSIM bundles search will be added to your website’s homepage.

WordPress Theme Customization

Keepgo eSIM WordPress theme provides multiple customization options, letting you update its design with your branded style.

To edit the theme, log in to your website’s admin panel and navigate Appearance > Theme > Customize

Main Theme Settings

In the Main Theme Settings, you can customize Font Color, Accent Color, Footer Background Color, Card Background Color, FAQ Background Color, edit the support email address, the Main Title of your website, and the Main Title Description.

Currently, both the theme and plugin have certain limitations in terms of customization. As of now, there is no option available to incorporate new blocks.

While editing colors and fonts, please mind those are consistent throughout the entire website and can be changed in the Main theme settings. It applies to the following list of elements:

  • card background color,
  • main font color,
  • button color,
  • and accent color.

The card background color modification looks like this:

Mind that once the accent color is changed, the icons’ color will also be edited as well.


Why Us Section Settings

The “Why Us Section” contains three customizable fields:

  • You can upload the image that will be displayed in the section;
  • Edit the section’s title;
  • Write the text.


FAQ Settings

In the FAQ Settings section, you can add up to 10 questions and answers.

Keepgo EWL settings

The EWL domain (i.e., the URL of your Keepgo Partner Account) should be specified in the Keepgo EWL Settings section.

Social Networks

In the Social Networks section, you can add URLs of your official social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



The header and footer menus are editable. You can edit menu location and menu options, and select which menu should be displayed in the header and footer location.


Additional CSS

Add your own CSS code in the Additional CSS section to customize the appearance and layout of your website.

To hide a section, add {display: none} next to the CSS section's code you'd like to hide.

For example, if you want to hide the benefits section from your website, add the following code :

.benefits-section {
display: none


The following list of sections can be hidden in CSS:

.main-title (to hide the Main title of the web page)


.main-subtitle (to hide the Main title of the web page)

Main title description.jpg

.benefits-section (to hide the list of benefits)


.why-us (to hide the Why us section)


.questions (to hide the FAQs)


Plugin Customization

When using the Keepgo search bundles plugin independently from the Keepgo eSIM theme, you can adjust the colors of the card background, main font, button, and accent.

If the plugin is used with the Keepgo eSIM theme, the theme's settings are applied, and the plugin's color settings are ignored.


Sep 18, 2024

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