WordPress Theme and Plugin Integration


  • The partner must have a White Label Platform.
  • The partner must have an admin account on WordPress.
  • All necessary files should be downloaded from the Admin Panel under Integrations.

How It Works

You have two options for creating your WordPress website. Using the theme with Elementor provides greater flexibility and easier customization. Still, purchasing the Essential (or higher) edition of Elementor is required to access and customize Pro elements like the header and footer. If you prefer not to purchase Elementor, you can use the same theme built without it. You’ll still be able to customize and modify the theme, though it may not offer the same level of flexibility.

Option 1: Standard Theme for Elementor

This option requires purchasing at least the Essential version of Elementor to access Pro elements and unlock full editing capabilities.

Step 1: Install Elementor

To customize your website, first download and activate the Elementor plugin.

  • To Install Elementor: Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin and search for “Elementor Website Builder.” Click “Install Now,” then “Activate.”

Step 2: Install a Default WordPress Theme

Next, install a WordPress theme.

You can use any default WordPress theme. We recommend using a basic theme (like “Hello Elementor”).
To Install:
Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New Theme > Choose any default theme > Activate.

Step 3: Import the Keepgo Theme

Now, import the Keepgo website theme into Elementor.

  • To Import: Download the Website Theme from the platform. Go to Elementor > Tools > Import/Export Kit > Import a Template Kit. The import process may take a few minutes, and once complete, the template will be automatically applied to your website.

Step 4: Install Essential Plugins

Finally, install the necessary plugins for your website.
Download the required plugins from the platform. For proper site functionality, you must install the Keepgo Search Plugin. The Keepgo Switcher and Keepgo FAQ plugins are optional and can be added if needed.

  • To Install Plugins: Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin > Activate.

Option 2: Standard Theme (No Elementor Required)

This option allows customization without the need to purchase or install Elementor.

Step 1: Install a WordPress Theme

Download the Keepgo theme from the platform. Then go to Appearance > Themes > Add New Theme > Upload Theme > Activate.

Step 2: Install Essential Plugins

Finally, install the necessary plugins for your website.
Download the required plugins from the platform. For proper site functionality, you must install the Keepgo Search Plugin. The Keepgo Switcher and Keepgo FAQ plugins are optional and can be added if needed.

  • To Install Plugins: Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin > Activate.

Keepgo Website Theme

  1. Built With: Elementor or without Elementor
  2. It can be easily customized according to the brand identity
  3. Includes:
    1. Header
    2. Footer
    3. Home Page + FAQ Block
    4. About Us page
  4. Available plugins for full theme functionality, which need to be downloaded and added separately:
    1. Keepgo Search Bundles
    2. Keepgo Switcher
    3. FAQ Plugin

Sep 18, 2024

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