How can a partner deactivate a Travel line?

To deactivate an end user's line, Web App partners* can follow these steps:

  1. Access the line details page for the specific end user's line.
  2. Look for the option to deactivate the line and select it.
  3. A pop-up message will appear to confirm the action. This message serves as a reminder and ensures that the partner intends to deactivate the line.
  4. The specific content of the confirmation pop-up message may vary depending on the type of line being deactivated.

For Travel Line Deactivation: Are you sure you want to deactivate the line? Please be aware that you'll have the option to restore the line. Unused bundles connected to the line will be saved, but already active bundles will be lost.

  1. After confirming the deactivation, the line will be marked as deactivated, but the data and line details will be saved.
  2. Partners and root accounts will have the option to restore the deactivated line if needed.

*the functionality is not available for API partners

Aug 7, 2024

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